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Cascais Surf Spots 🏄‍♂️

Writer's picture: Tomaz FidalgoTomaz Fidalgo

In Cascais we are lucky to be surrounded by two coastlines: the west coast, which receives all swells that hit the Portuguese coast, and the south facing shoreline that bends towards Lisbon, receiving all south and west swells, as well as big northwest swells that are too big to surf on the west coast. Because of this, we can surf year-round and choose from a variety of spots within a 30min drive. In today’s blog-post we will talk to you about the main ones:


The closest beach to the surf camp, Guincho is our summer local. Known for being a windy beach, it is also the most beautiful in Cascais. Mountains on one side, dunes on the other, and crystal-clear water in between make it a nature-lover’s dream. It is also super consistent during the summer months and can provide waves for all types of surfers, depending on the day. The banks vary from season to season, but usually works best with mid to low tide. Ideal winds come from the south and east quadrant. Right next to it there is Crismina, Abano and Arriba, less known beaches that work on the same conditions.

Best Season: From June till October

Distance: 5min by Car / 10min by Bus


Probably the beach where we teach most lessons, Carcavelos has many faces. It can go from ankle slapping beginner paradise to world class tube festival. Due to its south-southwest facing geography, it works mostly in winter, fed by either swells generated in the middle of the Atlantic or big northwest storms born in the northern cold waters. Offshore winds also come from the north, and are the prevailing wind in the area.

However, Carcavelos can be very fun and even uncrowded on onshore days, making it

a super versatile beach from September to June. Usually works best with mid to high tide. The downsides are the crowd and compact line-ups, due do its proximity to Lisbon and the local crowd.

Best Season: From September till May

Distance: 15min by Car / 25min by Train


In between Cascais and Carcavelos we have several waves that work with different swell heights and directions. The first of the two we will mention is São Pedro. A Long right point break, this wave is ideal for intermediate to advanced surfers, as well as a hotbed for national longboard talent. The wave is long, soft and mellow, and gives surfers time to choose their lines and draw gentle curves. Crowded on good days, it still offers several opportunities to surf waves much gentler then both Guincho and Carcavelos. Ideal to work on your trimming and cutbacks, it works best with a north wind and mid to low tide. However, right next to it (on the same beach) there is another spot called Bafureira, a right and left a-frame that is equally mellow but works better on mid-tide.

Best Season: From October till June

Distance: 15min by Car / 25min by Train


The other of the two spots we just mentioned is Parede, also a Long right point break. A bit faster that São Pedro, and much less crowded, this is a wave that runs down the line. The tide can neither be too high nor too low, but when the elements align it provides fun long walls to surf. Long paddle outs have been known to demoralize a few surfers, but, if you are keen to surf a long fast right, it is definitely worth the effort (especially on a glassy day).

Best Season: From October till June

Distance: 15min by Car / 25min by Train


This one is a bonus because it is not in Cascais. But since it is just over the hill, we decided to include it. One of the most consistent breaks near Cascais, you will always find some waves there. In addition, by some sort of geographical miracle I could never explain here, it is sheltered from north wind, even though it faces west-northwest. This makes is an ideal summer refuge for those looking for powerful glassy waves (but also willing to take their sweatshirt to the beach). Usually works better on mid tides, but can also be very fun on either low or high tide, depending on the banks.

Best Season: From June till October

Distance: 20min by Car / 30min by Bus

As you can imagine, we are just scratching the surface in terms of local surf spots and

their potential. But if you want to learn more, you’ll have to come and ask in person 😊

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