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Another year passed? Seriously 😲

Foto do escritor: Tomaz FidalgoTomaz Fidalgo

2023 Recap

We’re scrubbing the floors. I use “we” generously, as it is mostly Alizé and the volunteers.*

Seeing the dirt come off tiles reminds us of all the feet that stepped on them. Some brought sand, others came still humid from a walk. Their movement never stopped for months on end. Now, as we close the Villa for the winter, I can almost see the them pacing in a continuous timelapse. We can clean the floors, but not the memories created on them. And, at the end of the day, this is our core business: to create happy and long-lasting memories.

If you were here with us, I hope you have them. I can only say that we tried our best. Behind every wave you caught there was meticulous planning, training and a lot of effort. From the outside, everything might look fun and games. And it is — that’s part of the charm; but fun and games require work and dedication. Instructors wake up at 05h30 so that you are up and riding with a beautiful sunrise. At 23h00 on the previous day there was still someone solving logistical problems because someone else was sick. Maybe one of the volunteers who served your early breakfast was still up 01h00 because of a late check-in. We did it every day for you. We did it every day for one another. We helped each other out, picked each other up, laughed with one another (sometimes at one another), and did exactly the same for you. We treated each other like family, and that’s why we also treated you like family.

As for 2024, all we can promise is more of this. And a new Surf House with private rooms 😉 (read about it here).

Looking forward to welcoming you in the Surf House this winter or again in the Villa next season,

Surf Cascais team

*I scrubbed some walls, I promise.

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